



Yes, indeed.

I approve.


Ivy, Ivy, Ivy….


This commentary is beautiful. If you’re not currently following templeofbabalon, you’re a fool.


A cage proves to be an excellent frame through which to view one’s sub. Without freedom, stripped of volition, one can simply admire the creature itself – no longer entangled in plans, goals or responsibilities; no longer defined by clothes, style or role; no longer obscured by action, movement or achievement. Just the bare creature itself, just the self with no place to hide.


True story: I once sent the following text to a girlfriend while in an art museum:

This statue’s nipples look JUST like yours.

I just sort of felt it needed to be said. And I’m a little tired of modern standards for how every last minute detail on a woman’s body should look, when art shows such gorgeous variety. 


Currently hammering in some nails in my room. I swear I can handle this, guys.


“I once had a garden filled with flowers that grew only on dark thoughts, but they need constant attention and one day I decided I had better things to do,” – Brian Andreas, Story People.


And to think, at your last hotel, all you found on your bed was a mint.


I’ve decided to take up learning German. Rather than consulting something legitimate or taking a class, I’ve instead begun gleaning little words and phrases off of my two German-speaking friends at my university. This would be all fine and good, except I choose incredibly inappropriate times to practice them.

Friend: Let’s go grab some lunch.

Me: Guten abend, Bürgermeister. 

Friend #2: Ivy…

Me: Ja, Fräulein?

Friend #2: Please stop butchering German.

Me: Ferme la bouche.

Friend: Ivy, that’s French.