
Oh my gosh this caption is just the cutest thing to ever happen to tumblr.


Daddy and piglet. Foreva. Foreva-eva. Foreva-eva.


It almost looks as if he is embracing her. There’s a definite feeling of sweetness. The way her hand is resting on his side is just absolutely tender. But then you see the way his right hand is pulling and it’s an entirely different story. And, somehow, it all fits perfectly.


I’m just never happy. I spent all this time wishing for the rain again, but now I just want it to be sunny.

In my defense, Irene was a bit of an overkill answer to my prayers. Be careful what you wish for.


Take it from me: With those colder months approaching, being bound and naked in front of a fire is a wonderful feeling. Just trust me on this one here. But be prepared to get some chills once you move away from the heat. 

(No, literally, have a robe or a sweater on hand.)


One of the Ivyest screencaps out there. Just the look on her face alone.


There’s no need to even ask me this.


“The body is so easily damaged, so easily disposed of, water and chemicals is all it is, hardly more to it than a jellyfish drying on sand," Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale.


The Kitchen Sessions #2

(An Intimate Alchemists original)


I just got done talking to my bestie, A. She is putting serious consideration into ending her relationship with her boyfriend for a variety of reasons that would keep them still on friendly terms, but are honestly just not appropriate for this tumblr. So, I tried to give her advice and remind her that I’ll be there for her through the entire thing. I care about her immensely and I am so flattered and glad that she turned to me for support on this.

However – and feel free to call me a terrible friend, a bad influence, what have you – I’m looking forward to all the trouble we can get into together again now.