
So, it’s been a little bit of a tough semester for me and things are starting to wrap up. I have one of more spike as far as work goes, but I should be seeing some calmer waters soon. 

I really can’t believe how much of this was accomplished because of support from my friends. I’m sorry, it’s not a sexy post, but seeing this image just brought that feeling up for me. It’s like we’re all kind of on rollerskates, sliding around and falling over, but we’re all leaning on each other for support. And, sometimes it’s a mess and sometimes it’s funny. But, we’re in it together and from all our struggling there is somehow stability.

And that’s my two cents.


I just got done talking to my bestie, A. She is putting serious consideration into ending her relationship with her boyfriend for a variety of reasons that would keep them still on friendly terms, but are honestly just not appropriate for this tumblr. So, I tried to give her advice and remind her that I’ll be there for her through the entire thing. I care about her immensely and I am so flattered and glad that she turned to me for support on this.

However – and feel free to call me a terrible friend, a bad influence, what have you – I’m looking forward to all the trouble we can get into together again now.