
Annie Clark has the most magnificent and unusual sex appeal. She’s a little strange, a little sweet, even a little child-like. Her voice is hauntingly gorgeous. 

Not to mention she’s crazy talented.


St. Vincent at the Met, photo Ryan Muir


Ohhh yeahhh.

Serious time: It’s so upsetting to me that such a beautiful book was banned solely on the fact that it contains a depiction of lesbian sex. It was not only a gorgeous aspect of the novel, but it should be held to the same standard as the straight sex scenes in a ton of the books I had to read in high school. Come on, America.


In the light of the fact that Norwegian Wood has been removed from the summer reading list of a certain school district due to its “graphic” depictions of lesbian sex (this in turn apparently constitutes “pushing the homosexual agenda,” whatever that means), I have ordered this book, and two others. Montecervesa will not stand for the banning or restriction of books, whatever their content.

There are a few other books in my reading queue before I’ll get to them, but in a short time, I hope to qualify fully for Miss Ivy’s attention on this front. Wish me luck, folks.


Holy hell. Murakami is my absolute favorite author. I just can’t even. I don’t know if I have it in me to disrespect him enough by knocking over these books to get to the lady, but damn.

Bring me Murakami, I will make love to you. Discuss Murakami with me intelligently, I will marry you. Tell me how the absurd, fantastical conflict in Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World affected you in a very real way and I will never, ever let you out of my sight. Ever.




Oh, I bet she could be made to sing.


“Does she sing Daddy? I want her to sing for me.”


It’s where I belong. I’m home. And I don’t even need to click my heels together.


So, um, I kind of want this dress.


Double-dating, my way.



Dear curiousproclivities and other wonderful followers,

I am so insanely flattered to be mentioned on your tumblr. Especially the wording:

“thinkivykink (If intelligence is your aphrodisiac, she’s your girl.  Her youth gives her an innocence, but she has very adult desires & strikingly mature perspectives.)”

I honestly feel like I’m a bumbling idiot 90% of the time I post here. I worry I won’t be understood or that I’ll be perceived as pretentious/immature/unintelligent. I have been getting so much positivity lately from a ton of people and I just wanted to send out a huge thank you to everyone. You’re a lovely bunch.




For some reason, girls just make the sweetest little expressions when they’re gagged like that.