
In response to the questions about whether or not I continue to do knifeplay: 

I have referenced before that my most recent dom was not into the lifestyle at all before we got together. It’s pretty funny to think of that if you knew him now and how much of this stuff seemed to be waiting underneath the surface. Evidence of that?

Well, he collected knives. There was this huge, menacing one he used to bring out all the time to scare the crap out of me play. There was a smaller one he’d hold against my throat sometimes while I sucked him off (he put the dull side against my throat, obviously, but it still had the same effect). He let me watch him sharpen one once and eye-fucked me into next week whilst doing so. I swear it was like porn for me. It was probably one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen him do.

So, yes, I’d say the knifeplay wasn’t exclusive to one partner. I’m sure I’ll encounter people not into it at all and I’ll proceed accordingly. But, hell, if they’re game, I am more than willing. 


This is pushing so many of my buttons right now. 


The idea of her racing away to avoid a spanking is probably one of the most adorable things ever.


She thought having a fixie was cool.

Then one day she said something smart, tried to make a fast getaway and it all came undone

and before she knew it, he was guiding her back indoors for a little chat…


The word passion comes from the Latin stem pati, which means to suffer and to endure. This was, of course, grounded in a very deep suffering on a religious level, but I don’t want to get into that right now.

What I’m more interested is how we use it now. Crimes of passion. Passionate love. Passionate sex. We simply throw this term around without even realizing what we’re implying. Crimes of suffering. Suffering love. Suffering sex. 

I feel as if we don’t want to suffer. We don’t want to endure. And rather than seeing love as a means of suffering, we see it as an end to suffering. Which, in my opinion, it is not at all.

I don’t mean to say here that suffering is a bad thing. It’s not. Suffering is a human trait. It’s not necessarily being crucified or tortured or oppressed. It’s not even necessarily a bad feeling. It’s more of just this constant tug that drags us from room to room in life, the constant nagging that keeps humanity yearning, the innate tortured aspect of the human condition that allows us to feel so broken that we need someone or something to share and halve it. “You shall love your crooked neighbor with your crooked heart,” says Auden. 

Love is suffering. Suffering is love. It seems we always talk about love as this very comfortable thing. And I mean love on all counts. Familial, religious, romantic, platonic, etc. Love is not benign. Love is not the solution. Love does not suddenly calm the storm, save the damsel, and feed the hungry. 

And I think that’s why we get so shocked when love is not so simple and when we can’t just be like, “well, we’re here” and then just sort of close the book on the whole thing. Love doesn’t want to handle us lightly, it would drop-kick us to our knees whenever it had the chance. Love is this wild and crazy creature that is this embodiment of our suffering. So, no wonder love is passionate. Sex, too. 

I think that’s part of the reason why I love BDSM so much. Aside from the trust, the control and the pleasure aspects of it, it’s an incredibly powerful physical manifestation of our passion, our suffering. The entire process is one of endurance. From enduring the suffering, you experience the pleasure. That’s a hell of a lost of passion there.

I’ll cut this little rant off right here before I just ramble on forever. But, God, language is mind-blowing. 


Oh my gosh. I literally don’t know what to do with myself here. I just…she just…I…


Normally Sexy Porn Ruined By The Weird Or Inappropriate Or Nonsensical Setting Day: Be Kind, Rewind.

Sharing? Damn sexy. The expression on her face? Damn sexy. The locale? Umm. The guy in the background? Oh, not again. 

But, see, this time, it’s not even the peeping Tom’s fault. He’s just incidentally there, not really doing any of the disturbing at all. No, this stems from the fact that this takes place in a business that stocks everything from Little Miss Sunshine to Babe, Pig in the City. We’re talking somewhere that you can buy little bags of cheetos from staff who wishes they were literally loitering anywhere else.

And I can’t help but imagine this asshole is saying, “Okay, sure, I mean, I’ll grab her tits for ya. But, I’ve really got to be honest. You’ve had Madea’s Family Reunion out an extra month and it’s really going to cost ya.”

I’m all for a little degradation. But, for heaven’s sake, a video store? Public Disgrace, I put up with you when my most recent dom liked you. I handled the fact that you take women to some really freaking weird spots to do the stuff you do. And, yes, I’ll admit it, I found a ton of your shoots to be really sexy. But a video store? 


Normally Sexy Porn Ruined By The Weird Or Inappropriate Or Nonsensical Setting Day: Teenage Wastelaaaand.

Male submission isn’t really a sexy button-pusher for me. But, hey, at first glance, it doesn’t seem quite bad for people into that stuff. I mean, it’s just a row of portapotties, right? Okay, sure, not horrible. Until you think where these things usually are.

Cue the bad music from bands you’ll never hear of again. Cue your friend throwing up after her first beer. Cue the bikini-top shaped sunburn that stings like a mother when you finally give into that “free hugs” guy and he claps you on the back. Cue getting elbowed in the face. Cue getting elbowed in the face again. Cue the teenage promoters for college radio stations, PETA, and obscure record labels whose pamphlets only serve as surrogate toilet paper when the real stuff runs out in the first five minutes. 

And now cue the couple walking past the portapotties, which we all know have a line to that guy selling hotdogs for fifteen bucks a pop across the grounds. Cue the moshers that trip over them. But, hey, at least his dom was nice enough to grant him the privilege of wearing socks. 


Normally Sexy Porn Ruined By The Weird Or Inappropriate Or Nonsensical Setting Day: I’m Makin’ Porn Asbestos I Can!

As per the suggestion of Heart.

Sin’s basically got this one in the bag. Because, I never feel sexier than when I’ve washed myself off, applied a face-full of makeup, put on my “fuck-me” pumps and gone down to the local abandoned warehouse (you don’t have one?) to squat amongst the shards of spackle and rat shit. 

(Please forgive my third grade asbestos joke.)


Another “abandoned building in heels” photo shoot. Always a great example of my pet peeve, porn that doesn’t make sense.