
In response to the questions about whether or not I continue to do knifeplay: 

I have referenced before that my most recent dom was not into the lifestyle at all before we got together. It’s pretty funny to think of that if you knew him now and how much of this stuff seemed to be waiting underneath the surface. Evidence of that?

Well, he collected knives. There was this huge, menacing one he used to bring out all the time to scare the crap out of me play. There was a smaller one he’d hold against my throat sometimes while I sucked him off (he put the dull side against my throat, obviously, but it still had the same effect). He let me watch him sharpen one once and eye-fucked me into next week whilst doing so. I swear it was like porn for me. It was probably one of the sexiest things I’d ever seen him do.

So, yes, I’d say the knifeplay wasn’t exclusive to one partner. I’m sure I’ll encounter people not into it at all and I’ll proceed accordingly. But, hell, if they’re game, I am more than willing. 

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