
Normally Sexy Porn Ruined By The Weird Or Inappropriate Or Nonsensical Setting Day: Be Kind, Rewind.

Sharing? Damn sexy. The expression on her face? Damn sexy. The locale? Umm. The guy in the background? Oh, not again. 

But, see, this time, it’s not even the peeping Tom’s fault. He’s just incidentally there, not really doing any of the disturbing at all. No, this stems from the fact that this takes place in a business that stocks everything from Little Miss Sunshine to Babe, Pig in the City. We’re talking somewhere that you can buy little bags of cheetos from staff who wishes they were literally loitering anywhere else.

And I can’t help but imagine this asshole is saying, “Okay, sure, I mean, I’ll grab her tits for ya. But, I’ve really got to be honest. You’ve had Madea’s Family Reunion out an extra month and it’s really going to cost ya.”

I’m all for a little degradation. But, for heaven’s sake, a video store? Public Disgrace, I put up with you when my most recent dom liked you. I handled the fact that you take women to some really freaking weird spots to do the stuff you do. And, yes, I’ll admit it, I found a ton of your shoots to be really sexy. But a video store?