
I’m turning twenty-five in a week so like THAT’S A THING.


When people ask what my career goals are.


Somebody’s coming this weekend and omggg we have exciting plans!


There’s times with him where I feel like we’re both in on the most absurd, most hilarious joke ever. There’s times I glance across a room and we catch each others’ eyes and smile and just kind of understand. When I say it feels like a game, it mean to say that we’ve given ourselves our own set of rules.

Sir and I have the kind of goofy intimacy that reminds me why he’s my home base.


I’m bringing one of my (comparatively) vanilla friends to a munch tomorrow. We were hanging out the other night and she asked if she could come along. 

She’s a little bit kinky, but I’ve never mixed friend groups like this before aside from bringing Pup to a party once. 

I’m just a little bit worried my silly, wild, boundary-blurring kinky friends are going to freak her out a little. But also a little hopeful they do, maybe?


There’s a guy in my graduate cohort who looks and acts like Ron Swanson and I just wanna smush his silly face and make him eat some breakfast food with me.