
So, Craftsmate, that guy from my frat and I decided to spend yesterday afternoon doing arts and crafts.

Except, it was the sort of arts and crafts that Craftsmate earned his nickname for in the first place.

Essentially, that guy from my frat has been asking him to teach him how to make a flogger. And, with the snow, we figured it would be a fun thing to do inside after what I still consider to be a pretty unfair snowball fight.

While they worked on floggers, I set to finishing a blindfold Craftsmate had started on but had not gotten around to finishing. It looked like the one pictured, with individual padded circles and a strap running through them and around the wearer’s head.

After we had finished, that guy from my frat went to return his floggers to his dorm and said he would text us in an hour about potentially grabbing some dinner.

One he had left, I held the blindfold out to Craftsmate and told him that I wanted to try it on. With it buckled to the tightest rung, I couldn’t see a thing. Most blindfolds allowed some trickle of light to come in by the nose, but this one literally left me in darkness by virtue of its design.

Rendered blind, I suddenly felt indescribably helpless as Craftsmate reached out to stroke my cheek and push me down onto my knees in front of him.

“Do you like it?” He asked.

I nodded, “yeah. I feel kind of helpless.”

“You do?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Yeah, well, I can’t see a thing,” I answered before gingerly adding, “would you cuff my hands? Just for a minute?”

The cuffs went on fairly quickly and he looped his finger into the chain, jerking me forward and launching into an inspection right there. I nearly died when he pried my mouth open and started checking my teeth, moving his thumbs over my molars methodically.

He stopped when he heard my phone buzz. “You should text [that guy from my frat] back.”

What had felt like two minutes under the blindfold had somehow been an hour. I guess time moves a little differently in complete darkness. Go figure.