New Year’s Eve: Part 2


So, Walter’s actually a great guy. 

The three of us were having such a blast together, talking and laughing and hanging around. We suddenly reached a point where he and I were just going back and forth like this.

Me: You’re just like…a great guy.

Walter: You’re a great girl.

Me: Aw, this kid! (turns to Drew, gestures to Walter) He’s a good guy!

Walter: She’s a really good girl!

Seriously. He’s so nice, so funny, and I cannot believe we only just started getting friendly now. Whew.



Guy in my frat: Sorry I couldn’t be your date to that thing.
Me: Date? I was inviting you and a bunch of other people as friends.
Him: You’re the one who used the word date.
Me: Only I didn’t.
Him: I was joking.
Me: Sure.
Him: To the joke or to a date?
Me: Smooth.
Him: Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Me: Too bad you have no game.

I think I’ve found a new hobby. This sort of back-and-forth continued for a good chunk of the evening. He once told me after some liquid confidence that he liked to dominate women. I told him he couldn’t handle me. Apparently, he took this as a challenge.
I’ll just need to brainstorm some sort of nickname for him.


SG: So, when we get married-

Me: We’re not getting married.

SG: When we get married, I’m thinking we throw one of those sexy parties like the one in Monster.

Me: Like 80% of the people at that party were dead or completely mauled to pieces.

SG: Okay, fine. We take out the trash, cut our losses, deal with the remainder.

Me: Fear is a powerful aphrodisiac. 

SG: So is Kanye.