can you elaborate on being ethically non-monogamous? I saw you reblog a quote on not equating commitment with monogamy, feel like this is something you’ve thought on considerably.


So, my boyfriend and I practice ethical non-monogamy in the sense that he and I are primary partners who are open to exploring other relationships and encounters with people.

He has a couple of ladies in his life. I have my Daddy and I’m kind of navigating okcupid a bit to see where it takes me.

We have a policy of accountability. He tells me who he is seeing and when, as do I. We tell each other how stuff went and check in about doing new stuff with our partners to make sure the other is all right with it. In the end, we’re each other’s home bases.

So, as you see, even in the absence of monogamy, our relationship involves a ton of commitment.

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