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Unfortunately, I couldn’t go back home with him.


I just attended the last class of my final fall semester of my senior year.

You heard me.

I’m exhausted, but I’m homeward bound.


Confessedly, my trip to see Penthouse wasn’t all doing official, legit stuff in his area and taking time in another city to breathe.

After the whole mini-munch, he and I had talked a bunch and flirted a lot. So, I found that by combining my real-life obligations with some things I enjoy, I could have a little weekend away to have some fun with somebody I had some chemistry with and similar interests in the kinky department.

By the time I arrived, I was super exhausted, dehydrated and sore from sitting for an extended period of time. Penthouse was a very gracious host and (mostly) excused my tired comments and little jabs at his school (we’ve got a rivalry). There was a little initial awkwardness, but I was surprisingly comfortable with the idea of staying with him and mostly excited for the stuff, sexy and not-sexy, the weekend held.

So, yeah, that’s how I wound up in Penthouse Land.


So, I took my last final yesterday and I am now done with the semester! I tried to go out last night with Switch, but we didn’t actually wind up leaving his bedroom. I promise, I’ll finish and update soon. But, ugh, I’ve barely slept and I sort of need to recover.

Fortunately, I’m staying around until the end of the month for a job, so I don’t need to hurry up on packing.