




I have this terrible tendency to bargain and make offers I can’t possibly give when I just really, really want to orgasm. 

One of the first times Craftsmate messed around with edging me, he worked me up to such a point that I literally started spewing offers. I’d be so good, I said. I’d suck his cock, I’d be so, so sweet to him.

He started laughing when I actually offered him money. I’d never really give him money to cum, but I get so wrapped up in it sometimes that this stuff just sort of comes out. I have such a one-track mind when I need to cum that it’s ridiculous. 

Sometimes, he provokes it. He asks what I’d be willing to do for it, what I would be willing to put myself through. And, often he’ll shake his head or click his tongue and tell me that he knows it’s a promise I can’t keep. 

And so he stops, gathers up my wetness on his fingers, and makes me lick it off, all the while smiling down at me.


Sometimes, it’s hard not to feel that way. For all the “fun in denial of society”, sometimes society catches up. Lately, I haven’t felt like that, but this picture is certainly evocative of a certain insecurity that creeps up a ton.


Filed under: Knivy.


“Tie those horses to the post outside
And let those glass doors open wide
And in their surface, see two young savage things
Barely worth remembering
Feast like pagans, never get enough
Sleep like dead men, wake up like dead men
And when the sun comes try not to hate the light
Someday we’ll try to walk upright
Crawl ‘till dawn on my hands and knees
God damn these bite marks, deep in my arteries.”


The only kind of rapture anyone should be experiencing tonight.



that is a look of sexual exhaustion

i would love to see you lying next to me looking like this

That would be the last thing you saw as you fell into a orgasm-induced coma from getting me to look that way…

Just sayin’.