

Holy bloody hell.  This.

It’s scary to think of the old adage that “antelopes need not be able to outrun a cheetah, but only to outrun each other.”

Come on and use your frontal lobe, humans.




SHIT. i have never even considered this.


How topical.

Last night was kind of tough. It was sort of the culmination of a lot of things that have been sort of building of my life that ended in this really strange catharsis slash one of the most honest conversations I’ve ever had on Craftsmate’s couch.

There’s some sexy shit from some playing around with Craftsmate buried in my queue, but I wanted to break that up and just say that he’s a really, really good person. And for all the anxiety it’s caused, I’m glad he found my tumblr. He’s a great friend.

(But, hey, kiddo, let’s never, ever, ever, ever, ever have another night like that, okay?)

Despite the whole episode that came before it, last night was probably some of the most fun I had this year. I randomly fell asleep on Craftsmate’s couch after the whole thing, woke up around 3:30 am, and we wandered the practically empty, sleeping campus until about 5 am. It was just really, really nice.

Sorry for the digression, but I think part of last night has taught me that I need to start treating myself better. 

(You do, too, you ass.)

(No, but really.)

(Let’s be a little nicer to ourselves, okay?)


After seeing some information on it on my dashboard, I just read this article.

Years ago, I saw a movie where a police officer beat a pregnant woman in a riot and caused her to miscarry. But, it was fiction. It was something that a team of writers made up to horrify an audience, to get a reaction, to draw some tears.

And I thought, it wasn’t possible. There was a line. But, I forgot that it was human minds that drew together the story and human hands that beat this poor woman who my heart absolutely breaks for.

And I suppose I forgot, too, the words of one of my favorite writers: “Anything’s possible in human nature. Love. Madness. Hope. Infinite joy.”

Maybe we’ve all, in a way, forgotten.