
“I remembered the fox. One runs the risk of crying a bit if one allows oneself to be tamed.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince.


One thing I’m learning from having to go through photos of myself every day is that my little, calloused feet are rather expressive.


In late October, I called up Sir and asked him if I could have sex with Pup. We’d had a few difficult conversations about it, and I was a little nervous to be sleeping with somebody who wasn’t him without him around. Previously, in our non-monogamous arrangement, the sex I’d had with other partners was right in front of him. This was going to be different and strange and maybe awesome but definitely a big leap of faith on both of our parts into a new area of our poly.

We had a lot of talks that made me feel like I was running into a wall, then ones that felt like progress but quickly petered off into difficulty. I often felt guilty asking for this when Sir and I had our own issues to deal with regarding his move and how that would affect our relationship. He was dealing with his own associated problems with the move independent of our relationship, and so I felt impossibly greedy asking to take this step.

But, when the conversation of “hey, can I do this with Pup on this very specific date?” came up, Sir was surprisingly receptive. Maybe it was the fact that he had started to express an interest in getting more physical with some of his partners – we often are most lenient with each other when we’re both having our needs met – or maybe I had managed to successfully convince him that I was sure that this was what I wanted.

“Are you asking me for permission to fuck that boy, sweetheart?” He asked me on the phone. He was using that tone of voice he uses when he plays Daddy. 

I blushed and even though he wasn’t in front of me, I looked at my feet. “Uh huh.”

“Are you going to use a condom?” He asked.

“Uh huh.”

“Well, you’d better be a good girl and show him that I taught you well,” he said. “You’d better be a good little fuck.”


Another one taken of the absolutely bizarre poses my sleeping body takes when left to its own devices in a very large, comfy bed.


He woke up a little bit before me and took this photo. Every time I look at it, my heart swells a little. I’m a sucker for intimacy.

(FYI: I have given him prior consent to photograph me while I’m asleep. Don’t photograph people without their knowledge or consent!!)


Literally every time Sir and I do impact play I’m like oh God you’ve done it you’ve bruised me beyond repair it hurts so much.

And then he shows me my butt and it’s just a smattering of little dots.

Which are then gone maybe fifteen minutes later.


Behold: the last photo that exists of my unpierced nips.