
“‘Dear God,’ she prayed, ‘let me be something every minute of every hour of my life.’” – Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.


Soooo I might be trying something new and crazy soon. 



I have broken myself over you, and put myself back together piece by piece

compliment by compliment

success by success

until I am strange, but complete.

The cracks are there, but I have filled them with gold.


Literally anytime I scroll past this in my drafts, my breath catches and my heart gets all thumpy.


So maybe I’ve been having harem fantasies lately.

Whatever, who cares.


I’d love to be made to feel like a work of art.






The first time, in the hotel, your skin still smelled of chlorine. We wouldn’t let ourselves kiss. I couldn’t breathe all day.

The next time, in the guest room, you had to go and dare me. We slept exactly one hour at the bottom of the stairs.

The third time, in our friend’s bed, while she slept or showered. As quiet as we could be. I’m not as quick as you.

The last time is the last time. I don’t waste time on hoping. I don’t care what we promise. I just care what comes true.


Sasha’s still the original porn crush.

Sasha Grey for NATT&DAG by Christian Belgaux / August, 2013


To tide me over until I can get out to Sir’s at the end of the month and we can watch the premiere of Game of Thrones together.