
Sometimes I just need attention, okay?



That’s gonna hurt when it comes off

I always say I need to learn patience, but I don’t even think I’m patient enough to actually commit to learning.

EDIT: I’ve been made aware that duct tape really shouldn’t be going over the eyes. DO NOT try this at home.


I thought that if I left the special lube for Mr. Purple at Sir’s place “by accident,” I’d be able to avoid having to put him in my butt again. I felt pretty clever about that one.

Except that plan just backfired, and now Sir’s sending me to the store to buy some lube where I’ll have to freaking present it to a cashier and uuugh.

Pouting forever.


Sweetheart’s a real help in the kitchen.


Current/Permanent status.


Sweetheart doesn’t usually stay in trouble too long.



Carey Mulligan in An Education

They say Sweetheart’s precocious.

But she knows what that really means.


“Sweetheart, didn’t I give you your allowance this week already?”

“Uh huh.”

“And? Where’d it go?”

“I spent it all. I just want a little bit more to go shopping, Sir.”

“I spoil you rotten. You know that, Sweetheart?”

“Uh huh.”


A little over a year ago, I made a certain someone cum by being the sauciest little brat possible. And looking at this picture brings back fond memories of that evening.


I do this to him, over his pants, when I’m feeling bratty.

This has included at a bus stop

and while waiting under a store’s awning until the rain let up.