
Happy Birthday, Heart! Please allow me to be a pervert and imagine that this is what your celebration looks like. Lots of sweets, lots of frolicking, lots of pretty. (And…squirting?)

Thank you. Have a wonderful day.


“so I wait for you like a lonely house 
till you will see me again and live in me. 
Till then my windows ache.” 

– Pablo Neruda


My hair is to about here now, too. 

I used to do that thing where you dip your head back and pull the strand to make yourself feel like it’s longer.

I still do that now.



sweatspitcumglitterandbruises: you want this

I’ve told you again and again Ivy

You organise those files chronologically, not alphabetically.

Yeah, yeah. 


(I swear these keep getting funnier in their own way. <3)


It’s always a little sad when I realize the sundresses won’t be coming back out again for a while.


I know I promised the reveal of the hidden Ivy chapters, but I’ve been kind of in one of these holds lately. I promise, I promise, I’ll dish once I’m less swamped.


I had a dream last night that I was in the library, having a threesome with two people who are incredibly important to me. Only, I didn’t want either of the people to realize it was a threesome and that I was fucking more than one of them.

Meanwhile, my classmates in my Thursday seminar were waiting around the corner for me. 

Oh, my subconscious. 


Nightmare by blueabyss17404


I haven’t had any knife-related fun in quite a while now. This is actually kind of tragic. So, now I just get cravings. I get eager just thinking about it. My toes curl. My nerves feel rubbed raw. I’m fairly sure this is symptomatic of addiction.