
This is about as close as it gets.


SG has a go-to phrase for when I’m stressed out.

“Would you please calm down? Everything’s going to be fine. We’re the beautiful people.”

I’m not entirely sure how that solves anything, but it’s certainly nice to remember. 


So, according to some modern lingo, a girl’s a noodle if she’s straight until wet. Take, for instance, the woman in the lace collar. (Look at that smile.)

Fresh and I caught up over tea tonight. I wish I could say that the conversation was sophisticated, but we wound up talking about noodles. Our experiences with them, our opinion of them. And not the kind that come in a little styrofoam microwave cup. 

Fresh calls this phenomenon a “spaghetti girl”. 

Try and tell me “noodle” isn’t better.


Dear Tumblr,

I received some super amazing news today about an opportunity I had applied for, forgotten about, and assumed I would not be accepted to.

Well, I was accepted.

But, I’m too gosh darn swamped with work to celebrate.


<3, Ivy


Oh sweet heavens. If you’ll excuse me…


Blue bra? Nope.

Red lace panties? You betcha.

Green thigh highs? If only.

One third of the way to life imitating art. Or something. Tell me this little arrangement isn’t perfect.


I admit, after seeing a promotional picture like this, I assumed this movie was about something else entirely (ahem). However, upon watching the film the other day, I discovered this was not the case. Still a really wonderful effort, very poignant, perhaps a bit slow (but not without reason), gorgeous cinematographically, thematically deep. But, yep, not exactly what I thought I’d be signing myself up for.