
So, according to some modern lingo, a girl’s a noodle if she’s straight until wet. Take, for instance, the woman in the lace collar. (Look at that smile.)

Fresh and I caught up over tea tonight. I wish I could say that the conversation was sophisticated, but we wound up talking about noodles. Our experiences with them, our opinion of them. And not the kind that come in a little styrofoam microwave cup. 

Fresh calls this phenomenon a “spaghetti girl”. 

Try and tell me “noodle” isn’t better.


So, I met a freshman in the pack I ran with last night. She reminded me a ton of my Dacry. And, when a few of us were naming our celebrity crushes, she came right out and said, “Jiz Lee." 

Sounds like my kind of girl.

For friendship, that is. We wound up talking for hours. She reminded me a lot of myself and we, in some sort of silly way, agreed for some sort of mentorship arrangement. Like big brother/big sister but with a bad influence.

Let’s call her Fresh from now on.