
I just got done talking to my bestie, A. She is putting serious consideration into ending her relationship with her boyfriend for a variety of reasons that would keep them still on friendly terms, but are honestly just not appropriate for this tumblr. So, I tried to give her advice and remind her that I’ll be there for her through the entire thing. I care about her immensely and I am so flattered and glad that she turned to me for support on this.

However – and feel free to call me a terrible friend, a bad influence, what have you – I’m looking forward to all the trouble we can get into together again now. 


“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.” D.H. Lawrence, Self Pity.


But my other side is marked with “SAINT.” Darkness & light coexist in all of us.


Oh, Dacry, you’re home. What a surprise.

No, no, of course I was on my best behavior. I swear.