
What’s it say about me that the thing that gets me most about this gif is the wedding ring?


To fill you all in:
  • I just spent the better part of a day sleeping. And getting high and eating an amazing lunch with my friend. And watching episodes of Louie. Whatever.
  • That guy from my frat has been obnoxiously pursuing me lately since I got with his teammate on Tuesday. Oooh jealousy. 
  • I’ve got a bruise on my knee and a seriously righteous hickey from Friday night. I left my earrings on Switch’s desk. I bit right around the arch of his ribcage and there’s a pretty endearing mark there now. I like how our sexual encounters have taken on the exact opposite mentality from “leave no trace”.
  • I really want to sleep but two drunk athletes are having a verbal altercation outside my window. About sports and testosterone and I just don’t know.
  • Guys, what am I going to do about this hickey? I feel like I’m in 10th grade. I’m not sure I can handle the ridicule.
  • Also, here you go. You’re welcome. From my lawls to yours.

Submitted by a follower.


read this while looking at the picture or after reading or a little of both

look at the texture of the water, it looks like a pool, now move your eyes to her shoulders, the sun is shining off of them, they’re warm, then move your eyes to her hair, it’s wet, she’s been drying in the sun, notice the sun ray over her head, it’s bright out, it must be shortly after noon, the moments are going by lazily, but time’s passing fast for her and it wont be long before evening, remember doing this, remember how your skin felt after swimming in clean water and drying in the sun on soft fabric or concrete, your skin felt sleeker than usual, imagine how her’s feels, in that exact moment in time, when the camera took that picture, imagine being there next to her, not noticing her, just feeling these things, remembering them, imagining these things, and remember, the eyes only suggest a picture, the brain paints it.

Thank you, tastepreferences, for this photograph and your words. I love that feeling you’ve described so well. Though, confessedly, I don’t think I would be able to not notice her were I next to her.

<3, Ivy