
Dear Tumblr,

I received some super amazing news today about an opportunity I had applied for, forgotten about, and assumed I would not be accepted to.

Well, I was accepted.

But, I’m too gosh darn swamped with work to celebrate.


<3, Ivy


This commentary is beautiful. If you’re not currently following templeofbabalon, you’re a fool.


A cage proves to be an excellent frame through which to view one’s sub. Without freedom, stripped of volition, one can simply admire the creature itself – no longer entangled in plans, goals or responsibilities; no longer defined by clothes, style or role; no longer obscured by action, movement or achievement. Just the bare creature itself, just the self with no place to hide.


Oh, I bet she could be made to sing.


“Does she sing Daddy? I want her to sing for me.”


“Most people just fell in line like obedient little children, doing exactly what society expected of them at any given moment, all the while pretending that they’d actually made some sort of choice." – Tom Perrotta, Little Children.


Fitting that girl into that cage is a near-impossible squeeze. Coming from the girl who struggled through geometry. Or whatever the hell math/science/WD-40 would explain getting that girl into that cage.


This years Christmas card.