

So like my birth






i wish the devil would have taught me all this and i wouldn’t have to pay for college

damn the devil gives out free education on psychology??? i need that way more than i need shitty middle school education. sign me up.

Thank your local devil today

If I’d known the devil taught psychology I never would have paid for my degree.


What happened to the people you were playing with this summer? Like the people from piss-shy? Do you ever hang out with them anymore?


The three of them sort of had their own internal strife, broke up with each other. Macy kind of keeps to herself (we were never super close), Lida moved to a new city but we still talk occasionally, and Flint kind of withdrew from the kink scene around here. He was being a little flaky after that teacher/student party and I kind of don’t have time for flaky people, if that’s fair. I try to match people’s energy, generally.

Nilla’s been traveling for work but we’ve been meaning to get back together and hang out once he’s here more consistently. 

Fortunately, I still see/hang out with WRM and we played with each other at the last play party I was at. (She gave me a MASSIVE bruise on my butt.)



Gardening is one of the few quiet joys I have in life.

That thing where you see a post and you’re like “oh I should send this to nankingdecade he has a garden and is into rough stuff” only to find that this post is, in fact, by nankingdecade.


Yesterday, I had difficult, vulnerable talks with both of the dudes in my life about all the crazy stuff like expectations and whatnot. Those of you who know me know that I am terrified of communication and vulnerability, so I wasn’t exactly chomping at the bit to do this. But, both of these talks turned out really, really positively, and I was clear about what I wanted and needed, and I felt much closer to both of them as a result. So, go me for doing the scary thing. Twice.








Hey, tumblr. I know I’ve been sparse and I know I owe you at least one daily photo. I’ll post a bunch of makeup ones soon, but right now life is a little nutty and I’m busy handling some stuff. I’m totally okay, but just bear with me a little.