
I see the tell-tale wire of some earbuds. There was definitely some sensory deprivation going on. I personally have not been subjected to it for quite some time, which is just unacceptable. Being so much in your head and with your own thoughts like that, I don’t know. It’s something akin to meditating.


“There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic." —Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale.


A message submitted by an anon under an email address and reproduced here sans email address to protect the innocent:

Hey Ivy,

Thanks for the welcome. I’m one of those new followers. I discovered you through Sin. Thanks for being awesome. My partner and I are poly and it’s so great to see people out and blogging about it.

Thank you. My blogging about being poly is a fairly recent thing and I do get tons nervous sometimes. Especially since, with more than one person on the scene, there’s a higher likelihood of being discovered by at least one person. 

But let’s keep our fingers crossed. And I appreciate knowing I’ve got something to offer here.

<3, Ivy

Some delicious picture or another showed up on my dash and your tumblr turned out to be just what I was looking for. As a young, kinky girl, I find your story inspiring. It’s hard to remember sometimes that kink isn’t so abnormal, and that great things can happen when one is brave enough to explore it.


Thank you. And the photos that you curate are absolutely gorgeous.

Though, I do have to admit, I am so not always as confident and brave as I may come across. I doubt, I get anxious, I wonder if I shouldn’t just swallow the whole thing up and just be vanilla.

But it’s encouragement like this that actually helps me. Symbiosis or something, circular feedback, choose your term. But, thank you for motivating me to motivate you.




Followers: Suddenly, there’s a ton more of you. I don’t even know how to begin to understand this. It’s unnatural. Did I accidentally post up a nude of myself or something on here? (Tumblr followers tend to spike for people after posting photos such as those, I’ve noticed.)

Seriously, where did you all come from?

And even more seriously, welcome. Thank you for following me and my story. It’s nice to have you all around.


I don’t like being photographed at all. I just feel like you interrupt the natural flow of hanging out, having a good time, etc to get all posy and *show* that you’re having a good time. It breaks stuff up and it just feels awkward and I feel like I’m wasting precious time.

Conversely, whoever thought up the notion of a “candid photo” as an alternative to the posed nonsense should be taken outside and shot. (Not with a camera. Hurr hurr photography joke. Admonish me later, Montecervesa).

I am too lazy to figure out where else I expressed this sentiment on my tumblr. Just kidding, it’s here. I don’t even have the cruelty in my heart to get lazy on you people and make you do work.

However, it was someone close to me’s birthday recently, so I allowed myself to be photographed as a part of the celebration. Because I don’t want to be a nag and because, oh, whatever.

Guess who still smiles like she’s six? 


I have received what you’ve offered in the silence you’ve imposed. I haven’t sought to fight it, but presumption is not nearly as flattering as the flush at her neck. It’s hard to feel abandoned when I know you’re there. And to simply hold something doesn’t mean to own it, if your hands could reach so far.

Don’t imagine for a moment that I haven’t enjoyed it. But I’m playful and I’m young and I don’t buckle under the first pair of hands to come out of the darkness and grasp. You’re not reaching blindly, but you haven’t quite tugged me to my knees. I’m sure you can feel yourself grazing something, but what was that story about the blind men groping at the basket, the mortar, the pillar? (You know, the allegorical elephant in the room.)

I know, I know, more wordplay. But it’s all the play you’re going to get. And who doesn’t like a fair game?


“O YOU whom I often and silently come where you are, that I may be with you;

As I walk by your side, or sit near, or remain in the same room with you,

Little you know the subtle electric fire that for your sake is playing within me.”

– Walt Whitman