
I can’t tell if this is the solution to her whining problem or just another source of it.


I’d love a version of that device that has a tiny bit more give, e.g. hardened leather with thin metal strips reinforcing.

I’d like my girl to be able to be in it for a while with chafing or getting too achey….except for where I like making them ache.


Sometimes I get a little miffed and fist-waggy at all the “preparing her for Sir/Master/Daddy/An orgy of strangers/The Grand Poobah”. Because, sheesh, why can’t the woman in question just be preparing her partner for herself? The lady has needs of her own, I can assure you.

Not that a good threesome or hierarchy isn’t welcome, but there’s such an abundance of them that it makes me want to read one caption somewhere that details some eager girl in cute panties having some fun on her own with her little girlfriend. 

Yeah, yeah, I’m picky. I’ll get off my soapbox now.


The problem, sometimes, is that I want to enjoy all of it. Even the punishment. And so it’s not really punishment at all. It’s more like a reward for being bad. So, when the moment arises that I actually get punished, I try my hardest to get out of it. I guess I’m just a brat.