
Valentine, Part Six

Guys, I wish I could tell you this story ended on a sexy note. I wish I could say that this super hot threesome had a super hot conclusion. And part of the reason I’ve held up on writing the conclusion is that it unfortunately did not end in fireworks.

No. It ended in me getting punched in the vulva.

Here’s the thing about threesomes: it’s multiple bodies in a space. Shit can happen. You can accidentally neglect a person, or you can find it awkward to figure out who to touch when. You can run out of space or bump heads or roll off the bed. Or you can end up with someone’s knuckles colliding with your pubis. Which really hurts, guys.

But I think it’s important I share this, because this is how sex is. Sex is not a always beautifully orchestrated dance, it’s sometimes a lot of weird grinding or some fumbling. There’s sometimes some weird casualties. You can enthusiastically consent and have all your safewords at the ready and stuff can still go wrong. Sex is sometimes clumsy and weird even if the person you’re with is suave and collected. Sex has all kinds of strange sounds and smells. Sometimes sex is just straight up hilarious.

Sometimes you end up laugh-crying into your partners’ shoulder while they laugh-console you and the other laugh-apologizes. Because you accidentally elbowed someone in the ribs or kneed them in the stomach or, you know, got cuntpunched.

Sex in movies is quick, effortless, serious. Sex in most porn isn’t all that different. And I think the main thing I’ve learned in my less-than-a-decade of being sexually active is that sex is this totally unpredictable encounter that can tip over into slapstick, into the specific hilarity of the human body. And I’m okay with that.

Though I’d like to keep the whole getting accidentally punched in the groin thing to a minimum.


Valentine, Part Five

My pussy was impossibly swollen and sore after being fucked with the glass dildo that had been in the freezer. Somehow, it was both numb and tender. Pup and Saltine let me rest a bit while I was coming down from the orgasms and the adrenaline and the associated emotions that come from being railed by a freezing cold hunk of glass.

I was curled up on the bed, Pup smoothing my hair and Saltine rubbing my back. “That was a lot,” I mumbled into the pillow.

“Aw,” Saltine kissed my shoulder blade. “Good a lot? Bad a lot?”

“A lot,” I replied. “I came a lot.”

After I’d finally called a safe word because I had cum so much it had started to hurt, Pup had let me cry on his lap and calm down. It wasn’t a bad cry or a bad pain, it was just intense. It was an intensity I’d really enjoyed – I still to this day touch myself remembering it – but it was still a whole lot. But I liked intense scenes like this, how brave and strong and sexy I felt when I handled them, how good it felt to be praised for managing it.

“Yeah,” Saltine said. “It was funny, you’d get off and whine about how hard I was fucking you and then just get off again a minute later.”

I rolled my eyes and nudged them, “yeah, yeah, I guess you know best.”

Saltine rolled me over and pulled my head up onto their chest. They kissed my forehead. I wanted to fall asleep there, even though it was morning. Somehow, I think Saltine told him to or just of his own volition, Pup got down between their legs, pushed the sheets aside, and started to eat them out.

Photo credit: elles par moi


Valentine, Part Four

(Disclaimer: I play with a safe word. Everything in this was consensual, and I could have stopped it any time if I didn’t feel safe or comfortable.)

I squirmed around on the bed, trying to get out from under Pup. He held me down by my hair, with an arm across my back, with his weight laid into me. Saltine got back onto the bed and sat down behind me. They traced the length of the dildo over my slit.

“Please, it’s so cold.” I tried to wriggle away. The dildo was so cold it stung. Pup pulled my head into his lap and pinned my arms up on my back. “Please, please, you said you wouldn’t.”

Saltine dipped the dildo briefly into my cunt and I cried out. “Come on, get it warm,” they whispered. “It’ll hurt less if you get it warm.” At first, I started thrusting back onto it every so often to warm it up, wincing and squirming in Pup’s arms. But eventually it felt better, even a little soothing, and I heard Saltine laughing. “You know I’m not even moving it anymore. Looks like somebody likes it.”

I realized I was fucking the dildo myself and blushed, hiding my face in Pup’s lap. I fucked myself to orgasm on the dildo, but when I tried to wriggle off, Pup pushed me back down. 

“I didn’t say I was done with you,” Saltine said. They fucked me hard with the dildo, practically wrenching another two orgasms in me while I squirmed and bucked around and begged them to stop. “No, I want one more,” Saltine replied.

I literally came while sobbing.


Valentine, Part Three

Saltine returned from the kitchen and sat down on the bed beside us while Pup continued to fuck me from behind. They smiled, reaching down to rub my clit as Pup laid his hand over my throat, as if to just test the give of it, barely squeezing. 

We alternated between Saltine kissing me and Pup choking me until Saltine sat up at the head of the bed and Pup rolled me over so that I was on my stomach. He slipped out of me, letting me get level with Saltine’s lips. They were swollen, parted slightly like an invitation. Pup pushed my face closer between Saltine’s legs before entering me again.

I loved the feeling of being used like that while I ate pussy. I tried to pace myself with Pup’s thrusts, focusing intense attention on Saltine’s clit when Pup got harder and deeper, pulling back and teasing my lips over the sensitive creases between their thighs and pubis when he would abate. 

“You like that, baby?” Pup asked Saltine over my shoulder.

“Yeah,” they moaned. “She’s really good at this.” 

I couldn’t help myself. I lifted my head away from Saltine’s pussy and looked over my shoulder at Pup, shooting him the smuggest expression I could muster. He slipped out of me and slapped me playfully. “Don’t give me that attitude.”

Saltine wriggled out from under me and headed toward the kitchen. I heard the door to the freezer open. 

“No,” I turned and, through the doorway, saw Saltine pulling the glass dildo out of the freezer. They smiled before walking to the other end of the kitchen. I heard the sink turn on. “You said you weren’t going to,” I pouted. “It’s going to be too cold. I don’t wanna.”

“Hold her down,” Saltine said as she stepped back into the bedroom, and before I could really react, I felt my face being pressed down into the mattress.


Valentine, Part Two

At first, I found myself thrusting back against the glass dildo, trying to fuck it myself. It felt good: smooth and with a nice heft to it. But eventually Saltine had picked up a pace of fucking me with it that was just overwhelming. They were shoving it deeper and deeper as well, and as a result I found myself trying to wriggle away. But that just pushed Pup’s cock further down my throat.

I was in the predicament of either deep-throating Pup or taking the glass dildo deeper. Except, for every time I backed onto the dildo, Pup would move in closer to close the gap. And for every time I wriggled away from the dildo and took more of Pup into my mouth, Saltine would just shove the dildo deeper. Soon, I was gagging on Pup’s cock and basically impaled on the dildo. Saltine had slowed the thrusts down a bit, instead going for long, slow strokes.

“Aww, too much?” Pup chuckled and patted my cheek. I twisted away from him and wiped some drool off of my chin. 

Saltine grabbed my hair and pushed my face against Pup’s cock. His shaft trailed along my cheekbone before Saltine pulled my head back. “Open up. Suck his cock.”

I tried, but after a minute or so I twisted away again. It was hard to focus on sucking Pup off when Saltine was still fucking me with the dildo. I could feel my pussy dripping onto my thighs. “I can’t. It’s too much. Please.”

Saltine pulled the dildo all the way out of me and climbed off the bed. “Take her pussy. I need some water.”

Pup climbed onto the bed, pulling me down onto my side in front of him so that we were spooning. He lifted up my leg and slipped into my pussy. “Is that better, baby?” He whispered in my ear, “is that what you want?”


Valentine, Part One

Saltine bought a really pretty pink glass dildo and named it Valentine. It had a long handle that could also be turned around and inserted. The main end was spiraled and tapered, such that it got thinner towards the end and thicker towards the handle, with grooves that essentially ribbed it.

It was early February. I was in bed with Pup and Saltine. We’d slept in, it was a Sunday morning and they’d spent the night. I was sucking Pup’s cock when Saltine got the dildo out and said they wanted to try fucking me with it. 

“It’s too big,” I said.

Saltine laughed. “Just be glad I didn’t stick it in the freezer.”

Pup pushed my head back down on his cock. One of Saltine’s hands moved between my legs and their fingers found my clit and rubbed it. They teased the tip of Valentine over my slit.

“Come on,” Saltine murmured. “Get it wet.”



Happy Valentine’s Day to my fantastic Tumblr girlfriend, the lovely and eloquent Ivy.

(I’m trying to make her blush, of course.)

And you’ve succeeded, my dear. <3

(Followers, she’s seen me blush before realtime. And made me blush before realtime. It’s a talent.)