
Last bit of cheesiness: 

Sir and I took a little bit to understand how the other expresses their feelings and wants to see the other manifest that sort of stuff. I’m a nut about punctuality and plans, and I consider a lack of either to demonstrate a lack of interest. Sir is more about intention and sincerity than the details, which is what I cling to. We drive each other nuts.

One thing we disagreed about was giving flowers. Sir said they were super impractical and didn’t last very long. I insisted it was the gesture that mattered and that they could totally be preserved. Otherwise, he was mostly sweet about gifts and tried his damned hardest to put in a bit more planning to spare my anxiety.

After what was probably our worst disagreement, Sir and I were supposed to go to a formal. I went to a friend’s to do my makeup and stayed a little later, assuming he wouldn’t be punctual anyway. I was anxious because some of my feelings were still a little raw. But, as I turned the corner to my door, I saw him standing there: on time and with a rose. It was what the gesture actually meant that mattered most to me.

I promise I’ll get back to writing about him putting things in my butt soon.


“Do matching undergarments actually matter to men as much as we’re told?” I asked SG one morning with completely mismatched underwear on. It wasn’t entirely my fault, I couldn’t find a matching color for either item and figured they went well enough together to pull them off as a ‘set’. Satisfied, I went to pull my sweater over my head.

He watched me as I dressed. “Oh, yep, definitely.”

“Oh, for God’s sake,” I groaned and went to pull my sweater off.

“No, no,” he sat up when I had it halfway over my head, “it’s fine since I’ve already seen you and know what’s under there.” He reached out and pulled me closer to him by the hip.

I chuckled, “so, it’s all about being surprised, then?” I lowered my sweater back down over my stomach and straightened it out.

“Yeah, basically,” he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties.

I huffed. “Well, my bra and panties matched last night.”

“I know,” he confirmed as he pulled me closer, “and it was a nice surprise.”


Sunset undressing.