
There is so much condescension in being told to slow down.

Like, “shh, shh, sweetheart, slow down.”

I can honestly barely write it, it makes me blush so much.


“If they’re really bothering you, sweetheart, I can take the clamps off now,” Penthouse suggested while we were in the pizzeria

I looked up from my food, “you mean in the bathroom?”

“No, silly,” he laughed. “I’m not going to take you into the bathroom right in front of everyone. That would just be embarrassing, wouldn’t it?" 

I huffed and stared down at my hands while he continued to chuckle.



“Why are you so cruel?”

It’s something that she asks from time to time, though the circumstances often vary. Sometimes, it’s in a vaguely smug sort of way. Sometimes it’s a whine. Or through tears. Or under a moan. 

His answer, however, is always the same.

“Because you wouldn’t have it any other way.”


I love when I see clothing on tumblr that resembles clothing I own. And I love when seeing things like this give me wicked ideas about those articles of clothing. 


Dear Dacry,

It’s almost too perfect.

<3, Ivy

PS: Could you imagine if my boobs were that big? Seriously.