

“Honey, look what turned up when I was looking for Noboru Wataya.”

Ugh the damn cat.

That book gave me so much grief because I was like oh God but what about the cat these sideplots are overwhelming because I am already worried about this damn cat.

Seriously, his wife was not worth finding. Just find your freaking cat, go home and make some more pasta, Toru. And don’t answer the damn phone. There’s only uncomfortable phone sex on the other end of that thing.

And then that little crazy locked him in the well. And I was like oh come on puberty’s hard but we all handled it so get over yourself and let the poor guy out. 

And there’s that awful thing with the skin God no stop it’s such a good book but ugh.

I can’t. I just can’t. The book is fabulous, but it’s just all anxiety for me.



Inspired by Ivy.

Still not sure what a Neko is beyond those wafers.

But, hah, yeah. Murakami might just.