
On the subject of weddings (my gosh I cannot believe how many of you I actually had going):

While out last night, my friend and I agreed that if we’re both single when we’re forty, we are getting married. He is totally and completely into men. While his personality is great for me as a friend, it’s not the type of personality I’d want to be with at all. However, we’d probably be great domestic partners. 

The conversation then sort of went: “Well, do you want kids?” “Yeah, I think I would.” “I think you’d be a great mother.” “We wouldn’t even have to have sex if you didn’t want to.” “That’s very considerate of you." 

I’d like to imagine our reception would look like this. Because we’re really classy people.



So, I got into a really amazing conversation with that friend from elementary school and we were making jokes about having to “come out”. And she goes, “so, are you out to everyone?" 

And I really thought about it. In truth, I’m not. There are some people I have withheld my sexuality from and I never really understood why. Then, it sort of came to me. I wouldn’t walk up to someone and be like, "oh, hi, my name is Ivy and I’m straight.” Nobody does that.

So, why does sexuality have to come to the table so quickly? Or at all? Why does it even warrant explanation? If I’m in a relationship, I’m in a relationship. Not a gay relationship, not a straight relationship. Thus, I’m thinking here that maybe this whole notion of having to “reveal” gayness/bisexuality/whatever the hell you want to call it is a really silly, unnecessary process that really only further etches this line that we’ve been trying to erase. 

Man, this tumblr has gotten preachy. I promise to tone it down!