
I’ve always been a bit shaky on boundaries.

So come a little closer.

It’s not crossing the line when I’ve redrawn the line.


Photograph submitted by jeunefille18

Sometimes, you just want her all at once. You realize that you’re not capable of such a thing. You bring her close but you can never quite bring her close enough. You press yourself into her with such force that you suppose that perhaps you’ll finally just fall into her. 

The top layer of our cells are sloughed off. It’s a little disgusting to think about, but there’s something romantic about the idea that we leave a little bit of ourselves everywhere we go and on everything we touch. And so you can figure that part of her is on you, part of you is on her. 

And you figure maybe that’s a huge part of intimacy: not being sure what’s you and what’s her anymore. 


“We sat in the car 
& the night dropped 
down until the 
only sounds were 
the crickets & 
the dance of our voices 

& for a moment 
the world became 
small enough to 
roll back & forth 
between us.” 

– Brian Andreas, Hearing Voices.


“Lay your sleeping head, my love,

Human on my faithless arm.”

– W. H. Auden.


I can’t believe I’ve never taken a bath with someone else before.

A shower, yes. A bath, no.

Blame it on dorm living.

But it just looks so sweet and so comfortable and so close.

As opposed to showering, which is usually just sexy and silly.