
A throwback and a shameless self-promotion. With the encouragement of you all on here, I wrote a little book of erotica which was super scary to do and one of my favorite memories in the last five years of this tumblr. To celebrate the blogaversary, I’ve kicked the price down to $3.99.

Again, I am so so full of gratitude at the fact that you all were like “yeah girl write yo porn” and somehow, three years later, continue to buy and read it (!!!). It legitimately makes my day whenever I get a message that another person has downloaded it. 

Okay, shameless self-promotion and shower of gratitude over!


Dear thinkivykink, happy tumblr anniversary! We are at this very moment at a wedding reception. To celebrate your milestone, we snuck away from the party and took a moment to head up to one of the reserved rooms for some play and photos. Treat Yo’self! Very best regards, ourprerogatives

Hehe. Hope you had lots of fun, @ourprerogatives. <3



For some reason, this is one of my favorite photos Sir has taken of me.

Still true.


Happy Birthday Ivy’s blog! And thank you for a reminder that self care is so important. It’s a constant struggle for me. So this morning, when I woke up and read your idea about doing something nice for myself, I initially thought that I don’t have the time, or even the need. But then I realized that this is exactly the point. So I am taking a slow day. Sitting on the couch, eating my favorite candy, binge-watching Mozart in the Jungle, applying layer over layer of lotion to my feet and hands. Thank you for the inspirations, thank you for my slow day 🙂

@citrustree, I love this. And I totally know the feeling, I read posts about self care all the time and I’m like awesome, that’s amazing, but not for me. Sounds like you have a beautiful day ahead, so glad I could be a part of it. <3



Current status.

(I lead a charmed life, tumblr.)

This exchange with Pup remains among my favorites.


Sometimes treating yourself is watching the progression of bruises so you can prove to yourself you are a badass. 

Ivy, I love your blog, I love how you challenge yourself to grow and share and explore. If I can be be half as brave I’d think I was doing pretty good. 



Omg, @confidentialcupcake, you are a badass! (Bad pun bad pun unintentional but I’m sticking with it.) This is definitely treating yourself.



It was the first time I had been fucked while I had something in my ass.

We were rough, almost urgent. He fucked me while standing at the side of the bed, holding my legs up against his shoulders and chest. My wrists were tied in front of me. I got subspaced rather fast, falling so deeply I could barely talk.

He kept me there with slaps, with fucking me so hard I cried out, by clamping my nipples and making me hold the chain with my teeth. 

Lately, I’ve found that despite some of the roughness involved in the dynamic, there’s these glimmers of sweetness in it that makes me feel close and safe and loved. 

“I need you closer,” I gasped out, the chain falling from between my lips.

He leaned down, continuing to fuck me roughly, and kissed my lips and forehead sweetly. And, all kinds of overwhelmed, I melted just a little bit.


To treat myself I bought myself these super adorable pillow fighting pinup sheets!

Happy Anniversary Ivy!

@myanonymouslair just gave me some major sheet envy. What a fun way to treat yourself!




I’m Ivy. It’s not my name, but it is what my name very loosely means according to those baby books. It’s also the athletic affiliation of my university. But that’s seriously, seriously unimportant.

What is important is that I’m kind of a sick girl. Despite being raised to achieve, to conquer limits, to rise to the occasion, I’m terribly into submission, degradation, and dehumanization. I like getting slapped around. I like getting called horrible names. I like being brought down to a lower level. I love being tied up. I used to think that being submissive and being a strong woman were independent of the other, but I’ve learned that there’s much less of a binary than what we’re intended to think.

Despite this discovery, there’s certainly some bumps along the way of being kinky. Namely: 

  • I live in a dorm with incredibly thin walls.
  • Most of my friends are a part of a fairly conservative Christian group (I, too, am a Christian. But, once again, what the hell is with all this either/or in terms of being kinky and being just about anything else?) and they LOVE to drop in unannounced.
  • I have a bad habit of forgetting to put my nipple clamps, hitachi, etc away.
  • And more.

Sorry this first post was so long-winded, I’m sure I’ll get more terse as this goes along. Provided you stick around.



Five years ago today, I set up this silly little blog, followed all the tumblrs I’d been lurking at for the past few months and made this silly little post. I expected to have maybe 5 followers, 10 if I posted well enough. Mostly, it was a journal for me to resolve all the perceived dichotomies in my life. I was coming off of finally being brave enough to start expressing my sexuality in relationships, though I’d barely scratched the surface. I was twenty.

A lot has changed. My life is different, my friends are different, I’ve shed a lot of my shame about my identity. I’m more “out” than I ever, ever imagined I would be. If you told twenty-year-old me that not only would I be going to munches and play parties, but even my vanilla friends would know I was poly, queer and [where appropriate] kinky, she’d think you were joking.

Today, I’ll be posting some of my favorite posts from this blog, as well as sharing submissions from those of you who treated yourselves. (It’s not too late to submit!)

Happy Blogaversary to me!


On March 6, this blog is going to be five years old.

I know, what? Really?

Five years ago, I started this blog feeling super insecure about myself and my kinks. I was frightened that some of my interests were too intense and worried I would be rejected by people if I was frank about what I wanted. This blog became a space for me to explore and articulate my sexuality, to come to terms with it. As I’ve said so many times before, it’s the only journal I have ever been able to keep.

It’s evolved so much from just a place to work through things. And even though my life has lately been really crazy, I’m always grateful to know this blog is a “safe” place for me that exists. I’ve gotten messages about being inspiring, and that’s always a little alarming to me. Mostly because I’m never fully sure if I actually have my shit together. But maybe that’s part of it?

Anyway, I want to celebrate the little five year birthday of this blog by inviting you all to treat yourselves. Seriously. If anything, writing these five years has taught me to be good to myself, to not judge myself, to delight in the qualities I once was ashamed of.

So do something great. Buy a new toy. Fulfill a new fantasy. Pick up a new hobby. Kinky or not, I want to hear about it. Send along a story, submit a photo, get creative and I’ll share ‘em on my blogaversary. (Anonymous/private submissions also welcome. If you don’t want me to share, just let me know!)

But seriously, tumblr. That’s my homework for you. Due on my desk by March 6.

Go go go!