30 Day Music Challenge, Day 7 – A Song To Drive To


So, I suck at this, but here’s another installment.

“Moon River” – Audrey Hepburn.

I used to drive home from the gym to this over the summer, when the sun was setting. It’s the kind of song that can make a freeway seem lazy and quiet and driving at 75 feel like cruising at 25.

For another with a similar effect, look here.

For something to roll the windows down and blast while you’re driving at night, look here.


“And she’s got red lipstick and a bright pair of shoes.

And she’s got knee high socks, what to cover a bruise.

She’s got an old death kit she’s been meaning to use.

She’s got blood in her eyes, in her eyes for you.

She’s got blood in her eyes for you.


Rachel Ann Aust. Atlanta. April 2011

© Adrift at Sea