30 Day Music Challenge, Day 7 – A Song To Drive To


So, I suck at this, but here’s another installment.

“Moon River” – Audrey Hepburn.

I used to drive home from the gym to this over the summer, when the sun was setting. It’s the kind of song that can make a freeway seem lazy and quiet and driving at 75 feel like cruising at 25.

For another with a similar effect, look here.

For something to roll the windows down and blast while you’re driving at night, look here.

30 Day Music Challenge, Day 5 – A Song That Needs to be Played Loud


“One of Us Cannot Be Wrong” – Leonard Cohen.

So, it doesn’t seem like it at first, right?

But if you’re not yelling along at the end, you’re doing it wrong.

For something to yell to the whole way through and a really gorgeous video, look here.

For something easy to blast in the car, look here.