

Gif by Lipstixxx-Noir.

I have a date tonight with this girl I’ve gone out with a few times over the past few weeks. 

It’s been an interesting transition in the sense that I’ve known her since I first joined the scene in this city, and we’ve been kind of passing acquaintances for a while. We’ve talked at parties about mutual interests and mutual friends. Before going on dates with her, I knew she was a domme. But in January she asked me out – well, she did earlier than that, and I didn’t realize she was asking me out because I’m that awkward – and we’ve been having these weirdly chaste dates.

Which is fine. I haven’t been out wth a girl since like…2014? 2015? Too long. 

“I know you’re probably like what’s this girl’s deal,” I said to her on our last date. “Considering you watched me go fuck someone at a party that I’d known for all of twelve minutes.” (I know I know I have to finish the other story with Rex BEAR WITH ME.)

Of course, I’m not obligated to put out. It was a joke. But she made me blush with her response nonetheless. “It’s fine. I can be a gentleman with you.”

That kind of bending of otherwise gendered language – calling people who identify as women Daddy, calling them gentlemen – really gets me, apparently.

So, I’m going over to her place tonight. And I’m super nervous but also pretty excited.

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