Thursday Thoughts

  1. I’ve got a bunch of messages I’m behind on in my askbox. I think I’ve gotten to the folks who asked stuff off-anon, but now I’m trying to pace out answering the anon ones so I don’t just spam everyone’s dashboards with a chunk of full-on ask responses. So, thank you in advance for your patience.
  2. That said, to the anon who asked the three-ask-long question about MRAs, please come off anon and ask it. It seems like you wanted a private answer, but I can’t answer you privately when you are on anon. It’s a good question and I think I’ve got an okay answer. Maybe?
  3. Here’s some pizza spam because this is secretly a pizza (and avocado) blog. The girl’s face in the second panel is pretty accurate.
  4. Speaking of pizza, is there a way to get one of these for a person/kittygirl?
  5. The person who put these fliers up at her school is doing some awesome guerrilla education and patriarchy-smashing. Well done!
  6. Thanks to everyone for the kind words about my recent poly adventure – both in reference to the adventure itself and the discussion of Sir’s and my feelings and fears. Your support is amazing as we learn what makes us happy and keeps the good stuff going great. 
  7. Here’s the last bit of pizza spam. I promise.
  8. Just kidding.

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