Aww, thanks for the kind words. The feeling’s mutual :(


I’m missing thisexactmoment brightening up my dash with his sexy, perverse mind. For those who don’t know, he left because someone who was under 18 refused to stop following him. 

I understand if you’re mature at 15, 16, 17. I was. And I know I’m 20 and only 2 years over the age limit. But, honestly, there’s this thing called the law. By following tumblrs like thisexactmoment’s and mine and others in the same genre, you’re really endangering their owners if you are a minor.  And if you really appreciate sex tumblrs, you wouldn’t hit the follow button until you’re over 18.

I can’t stop you from still looking, but for heaven’s sake, don’t hit follow. Really. Common logic. 

Under 18? Feel free to stop following me. But also feel free to come back once you’re legal. My doors are always open, provided you’re legal.

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