
So, my girl Sasha has quit the porn industry. Which is sort of upsetting, because, y’know, I love her stuff. But it’s not like it’s going to magically disappear from the Internet. And, let’s face it, she’s got a massive body of work. I’ve probably only just scratched the surface of her stuff. 

But I’m proud of her. She decided she wanted to move onto other things. Despite the pressures of the industry and the fact that she had a really big name for herself here, she’s able to see within herself that she has something else she wants to do and that it’s time to move on. 

I met a pornographer once (really funny story, not because I was trying to get into porn) and learned basically this: Porn spits even its best out at some point. (Couldn’t resist the pun.) And, so, I’m really proud of her for burning out before she fades away. Not to say that she’s a burnout. I think she’ll be happy in whatever she does.

Of course, her porn career will continue to live on within the pages of this tumblr. But I wish her the sincerest best of luck. 

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