
This past Saturday night, after my super awesome best date, I took a little trip to celebrate a friend from Ivy University’s birthday. There, out of nowhere, while I’m catching up with some friends, I run into The Grown Up. Turns out he’s friends with the birthday boy.

He’s spent some time out of the country, my schedule’s been busy, blah blah. Either way, he had given me his number and I had never called it. But we’ve run into each other a few times and he’s always friendly and lovely. 

Welp, I got a little liquid confidence in me and asked him why we haven’t hung out. To which he replied that he didn’t have my number. Oops.

“But, you could give it to me,” he said, “since you don’t seem to know how to use the phone.”

I grinned, “where’s the fun in that? Here, you can guess my number and then call me the next time you’re around Ivy University.”

I proceeded to go through each number by giving him a hint about it. Such as, the number of continents or  "if you write this number out and look at it really fast it looks like sex". 

“This is incredibly attractive to me,” he said with a snort as he reached the sixth number.

I shook my head, “I’m not flirting with you, I’m just challenging your mind.”

“Okay, Ivy,” he chuckled, “okay.”

So, I met a guy the other night.


Like a real guy. A grown-up guy with a grown-up job. 

This sounds really, really silly. But, honestly, after all the random college stuff, I found myself feeling incredibly immature around him. And he’s only about four years older but, for all the times guys my age tell me I’m precocious and intimidating, I actually felt like a kid.

Because he was all “oh, I like to cook for women” and “I’m really into listening to jazz music”. I’m totally into both. But he wants to settle down like yesterday.

And, while he totally made fun of me for getting a little tipsy and stepping right out of one of my shoes (in my defense, they’re a little on the big side), he was actually able to keep up with my sense of humor and made college guys seem like a bunch of toddlers. Which, no offense to any of my followers, they are.

I’m really not down for the settling down thing or the getting into a serious relationship with someone who is done with grad school and has a career thing, but I see no harm in exploring this. Even SG was like, “please go for it”.

And I will. I’m just being a little coy before responding to his call. 

Here’s to acting like a grown-up.