


Is that true? Because the tiny romantic that lives at the bottom of my sexuality just squealed if it is.


They didn’t know each other.

hopefully these people have since learned that this woman has said she didn’t know this man AND that she did not want to be kissed

yeah, romantic

I know there is a tendency to assume that everyone on the Internet has the worst intentions, but allow me to explain.

I can vouch for churchmouth, and I am sure she can vouch in return for me, that we are both rather outspoken in our condemnation of rape culture. When I saw this photograph and read what was written a long time ago, I did not know of the true story behind the picture. Instead I interpreted it as some romanticized they were both asked to kiss for a photograph, as consenting volunteers, and their joy over the end of the war manifested itself in this picture.

Apparently, I was incorrect. I was horrified by the true circumstances of my photo and I’m a little shocked someone dug through my archives to call me out. However, it has reminded me to set the record straight on my opinion of the photo. So, thanks, I guess? But, really, a gentle message in my inbox clarifying the context rather than a smug reblog probably would have sufficed.