
The Holiday Party, Part 4

Noodlegirl and I settle in on the couch and get to talking. Somehow, I tell her I may be into girls. She’s intrigued. Seriously. Like I told her I was a world explorer or something. We keep moving closer and closer until suddenly this guy plops down next to her on the couch and I assume he’s creeping. Ugh.

He kind of curtly acknowledges my existence, but Noodlegirl goes out of her way to introduce me like I’m the President. It was undeniably sweet, but this guy wasn’t feeling it. She turns back to me and asks, out of nowhere, “so, what are you into more, guys or girls?”

I shrug, “I mean, I typically just kind of go for the personality.”

Noodlegirl’s couch companion is suddenly threatened and kind of awkwardly starts making out with her. He then gets up to get her a drink.

I don’t want to cross boundaries or make trouble, so I decide to ask some questions. “Is he your boyfriend?”

She shakes her head, “no, of course not. He just drove me here and we hook up sometimes.”

Whew. “Well, he’s cute.” It’s really a common courtesy that I’m saying that. I’m not terribly attracted to him and any vague attraction I may have had was totally killed by how he had to get really defensive once he found out I was into girls. Really? Did I threaten his masculinity that much?

“Nah,” she chuckled, “he’s okay. We should go dance.”

Part of me may have recognized the dilemma of the fact that I was kind of swooping in. But, hell, the guy’s a jerk and, while I wasn’t expecting a threesome (nor do I want one), he didn’t have to overreact and be such a prick about “marking his territory”. So, yeah, we danced. And the look on his face when he came back and saw us was priceless.