
Well now. I am not the sort of person who gets jollies out of belittling people on the Internet, so I’ll tread lightly here.

I decide to check tumblr while I’m on my weekend away (I’m having a lovely time!) and my good “ladyfriend” (I love that phrase) myanonymouslair has sent me a message saying apparently one of my posts has been just sort of nabbed. To which I was like, “what’s all this about?” So, I look at her tumblr.

She’s made this post and then I notice a message from the culprit telling my lady myanonymouslair that she has no respect. And so my upset really more concerns the fact that you’ve called my friend disrespectful, laiks-velkas. 

Really ironically, I might add. Since, um, you know, you sort of disrespected me here by taking my words/life experience and pretending it was your own. Okay, okay, so the Internet is everyone’s playground. This is fair. But, come on, let’s get real here. You just randomly took an excerpt from my sex life and either pretended it was a product of your own creativity or that it was, I don’t know, your sex life.

Brass tacks: You couldn’t handle it if you had it. But I’m flattered that you pretended that you did. 

<3, Ivy

PS: Good thing SG’s not on tumblr, or his ego would be through the roof over someone pretending they’re messing around with him.


The Southern Gentleman decided to help me pick out my outfit for the night.

“It’s great,” he said as he leaned back, folding his arms behind his head. “But what’s under the shirt?”

I shrugged, “a bra.”

He smiled, “and what’s under the bra?”

“My…” I rolled my eyes, “ugh, you’re such a child.” I pulled my shirt and bra up, showing him my breasts.

“Good girl,” he grinned.