
I just complimented someone by saying their voice sounds like an aggressively sexy Gob Bluth. 

This blog is officially less of a sex blog and more of an awkward person who sometimes falls on genitalia blog.


Grammar police. And spelling. For serious.

Seriously. I’m trying to find more tumblrs to follow and the results have just been bleak lately. I really want people who put commentary to their photos, whether it be about themselves or not. I follow enough photo-only tumblrs. I want to read.

Well, I’ve learned that if I make a request of the Internet, I need to make my request specific. And I’ll preface this by saying yes, I do have the occasional grammar or spelling error. My syntax isn’t always 100%. But I do try. And I do go back and edit if I notice later.

But, back on track, I found myself some tumblrs with commentary. It’s just that this commentary looks like a hastily written “help being kidnapped and taken to the docks to get fed to the sharks send help” note. I just can’t stand it. I’m sorry I’m elitist. I can’t do it.

Best moment, though? Well, that would be reading “and ill shove his cook into your mouth slut”. I guess she’ll take his gardener in her ass later. I’m sorry if I’m coming off as a bitch, but it’s almost hilarious.

Yes, Arrested Development is my favorite television show (its cancellation was, pardon my nerdy fan joke, a terrible mistake). And Gob is my absolute favorite character.


If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know exactly what I mean when I say that a friend of mine and I have something like this going. No, I’m not in love. And, no, we’re not involved. We’re just the “series of escalating dares” kind of people. 


A series of escalating dares.