
“You said I came close
as anyone’s come
to live underwater
for more than a month.
You said it was not inside my heart, it was.
The city should tear a kid apart, it does.


Transportée ..*


I’m just the teensiest bit orally fixated. And I love the feeling of being used and owned that accompanies having fingers shoved into my mouth. It shows this very blatant disregard for boundaries that kind of emphases the position of subordination I am being placed into.


Oh, tumblr.

I finally finish recounting the tale of last Saturday and now I have one of this Saturday to tell. But, instead, I’m going to go spend the evening with a close friend.

Bear with me. I promise not to leave you hanging too long.

<3, Ivy


“Whether you sniff it smoke it eat it or shove it up your ass the result is the same: addiction,“ William S. Burroughs, Naked Lunch


The hand that feeds.


Daddy loves your mouth…




Glad someone had a time machine and the means to jump ahead and photograph my bridal shower. It’s good to know what I’ve got to look forward to. 


Oddly enough, when I see arms pulled back this stringently, the first thing I go to is the fingers. There’s like this writhing tension there that’s just kind of been put in shock. And I’m soaked.