
Someone fairly close to me went ahead and hooked up with the Southern Gentleman. I know I don’t control him. I know he’s not mine. He hooks up a lot and that’s not my problem with the situation.

My problem is she has the money and the means to fly down to his home and visit him now that school is out and he’s home. And that, while I don’t want to get into the particulars on here, she is doing it to spite me. Which really, really hurts.

It only hurt more when I confronted him about it and, I admit, crossed a line. We’re not together, but it’s different when it comes to this girl. But, when I got judgmental, he snapped and told me it was “none of my damn business” and to not “pry if I was going to be critical”. 

He apologized and I apologized, but I’m still very upset. Because I want to have a thick skin about everything but then something like this makes me so fragile. For a lot of reasons, some of which I don’t feel prepared at all to face.