
Halfway There, Part Two

I half considered using the bathroom on the way out of the restaurant, burrito in tow, but we weren’t all that far from Macy’s place and I figured I would be fine. This, of course, was a mistake.

“I’m going to use the bathroom,” I said when Flint and I arrived at Macy’s. Macy and Lida were over at the store up the block. 

Flint shook his head and set his stuff down on the floor. “No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am,” I huffed. “Come on, I have to pee.”

“Well, you’ll be in big trouble,” he replied, gesturing over to the kitchen. “If you want, you can go on the floor in there, but you’re not using the bathroom.”

“That’s disgusting!” I exclaimed.

He smiled, “yeah, it is.” Looping an arm around me, he hiked my dress up and started pushing on my bladder and teasing my clit. I squirmed, trying my hardest not to urinate on Macy’s floor. Thankfully, Macy and Lida arrived before I could. But, Flint just gave a sweep of his arm and said, “all right, everybody in the bathroom. Ivy has to pee.”

This is how I wound up back on the toilet, Flint taking pictures of me to send to Sir while Lida and Macy sat around me on the sink and the lip of the tub. “What is this?” I whined, “a Christmas card picture?"