
A little under two weeks ago, Pup and I loaded up our U-Haul and drove to our new city. In the intervening time, we’ve set up our home and gotten to know our neighborhood. Later today, we’ll drive the last of the cardboard boxes that held our things to recycling. 

It’s bittersweet to leave the place I called home for the past four years. I got my Master’s there. I found my career and my passion there. I met friends I’ll hopefully have for the rest of my life. I fell in love there. Twice. (I’ll get to that story sometime.)

I know I haven’t been very good about updating this tumblr. When I first started it, I was uncomfortable with living my life as the person I knew I was inside. It gave me a space to be that person, and I have been eternally grateful for what it’s allowed me. But more and more, I’ve found myself able to finally be that person in my life. I never, ever thought I would be able to say that. But I am finally, truly my full authentic self, and I feel as though I have the upper hand in my basically lifelong battle with shame. So, I’ve needed this blog less and less.

I’m excited to continue on this journey in this new place. I am still hoping to update this blog. But for the people who’ve asked if my inactivity is a sign of things going wrong in my life, it is quite the opposite. 

Thank you for all the support, kindness and candor you all bring to this site.


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