Thursday Thoughts

  1. First things first, I am so amazed and pleased with all the amazing notes and reblogs on this post. You guys have provided such awesome feedback, ideas, etc. The hive mind is alive on this site!
  2. This is a pretty good summary of tumblr.
  3. And a pretty good summary of adulthood.
  4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love love love young entrepreneurs
  5. This really turned on a dime. I just can’t even.
  6. Who stole my boyfriend’s license plate
  7. And could somebody make me a bumper sticker that says “dick is abundant and low value?”
  8. In other news, this made me cackle.
  9. And this is an achievement in storytelling
  10. As always, pizza teaches us important lessons. Like about beauty. And nutrition (not really.)

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