Thursday Thoughts

  1. Thanks for all the love regarding that dick making the comment about my thighs. Here’s some more delightful things about not having a thigh gap.
  2. An anon submitted this link to me recently with absolutely no context and, I’ve gotta say, no context needed. Thank you.
  3. I’m glad to see Matilda is still outspoken about books and is still totally no-nonsense about abuse
  4. This tweet is super accurate.
  5. As is this amazing letter.
  6. And somebody should seriously get me a scimitar.
  7. Straight white boys texting should never keep a girl from her cereal
  8. Also, Hercules is apparently one of them.
  9. Speaking of boys, I can think of a few things that are better.
  10. And a few things to keep in mind when looking for ‘em.
  11. I’m always down for a silly kitty joke.
  12. Or just a silly kitty.
  13. And, of course, the weekly pizza. This is now the only context I’m going to view this song in. MUCH better.

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